Louis Vuitton, LV

The most comprehensive method for distinguishing true and fake LV bags

When LV entered the hearts of Chinese people with its most classic four leaf flower, also known as the old flower pattern, imitations appeared. At the beginning, it was a flood of four leaf flowers, but usually it was printed like an elephant. Craftsmanship, leather, and other factors cannot withstand scrutiny, and even the original design of LV has been changed. Regardless of the level of imitation, clever merchants improve it by introducing new fabrics and even buying real LV bags from counters. They then open them and use calipers to measure the size to make imitations. We have successively launched A-level and super A-level imitations that are becoming more and more similar, and it is even said that there are European high-end imitations that are difficult to distinguish between real and fake at first glance in the store.

The more well-known a brand is, the more people will imitate it. LV bags are the one with the most counterfeits, and have been plagiarized and imitated since the inception of the brand, never stopping. Today, the Second hand Luxury Goods Working Committee of the China Secondhand Industry Association will teach you the strongest method to distinguish between genuine and fake LV bags.

Some counterfeit merchants who sell products above A even delve into the nature of LV vintage and have introduced several methods to distinguish genuine and fake LV bags, all of which are: 1. The bags are completely symmetrical to the flowers; 2. The embossing on the cortex of presbyopia is not smooth, but rather has a textured and granular texture; 3. Color changing with leather dripping, with neat stitches, the color will darken over time; 4. The metal parts are made of blue gold copper, not pure gold yellow; 5. There is a serial number inside the bag; 6. The bag comes with a dustproof bag, instruction card, paper box, and so on. In short, there are real bags, super A imitation bags are all available, and there is even an invoice. The invoice here is not the official reimbursement mall invoice in China, but a yellow cardboard style special for LV counters! (And most fake invoices will use Hong Kong ones) So if you want to use the above so-called common sense to distinguish authenticity, at best, you can only buy a super A counterfeit package.

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